Monday 7 December 2009

peter,paul and mary?? 1,2,3 not only you and me??

Question : does britney spears talk about "3some" on her new song called "3"??
Cos the lyrics says something like that. Not directly but its hidden somewhere along the lyrics.

Yeh I think she does.

First she talked about how everybody wants to fuck her on her "if u seek amy" song
And then this.

I'm not judgjing or anythin. If we talk about dirty lyrics black rappers are hell a lot worse than this little pop princess.
I just feel sorry for her that she has to be addressed as a bad influence due to her new style music.
When as the matter of fact, her naughty lyrics are nothing compare to all those black rappers songs.

And yet parents would rather letting their kids listening to those rap music than listening to britney 'hidden' dirty lyrics.
Did she say fuck on any of her song? No!
So why its a huge controversy?


But go britney!! You say whatever you want!!

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