Sunday 27 December 2009


i look like shit on this photo.
but then again i look like shit all the time anyway, so it doesnt really matter
this is my face. deal with it, hahaha

im havin a lazy day today.
had my step brother and my step sister over last night.
it was fun. rather quiet.
and boring.
and a bit dull.
and annoying.
so basically it wasnt fun at all.

ive had fabulous christmas.

santa has given me nice presents.
altho i seem to get a lot of soap and perfume from everyone as my christmas gift.
they probably think im kinda smelly.
so all of them gave me soap.
and perfume.

thanks for that.
i'll try my best not to be smelly again. hahah
maybe becos of the weather.
its cold and snowy.
thats why i thought ''God i cant be fucked taking shower''
cos its uber cold.
-8 (read: MINUS EIGHT)
imagine that.
thats like being on a freezer except theres no raw chicken or raw meat beside you.

theres even a guy who was found dead on his garden, froze to death.
he was drunk
and then he was locked out from his house becos he lost his key.
so he waited on his garden.
ended up falling asleep and then he just stopped breathing.

i dunno why is that funny.
but it is.
sorry bout that
my condolences to his family and his friend

may he rest in peace.

anyone else had a faby christmas?
i hope you all did.

ive just been thinkin how uber cool it is being santa.
he only has to work once a year.


and by the way im glad that christmas is over.
becos im sick! and fed up with christmas songs!!!
everywhere. EVERYWHERE i went christmas songs were always ON.
in the shop, supermarket, my work, EVERYWHERE.
theres even one song that i hate so much but i ended up remembering all the lyrics.

so annoying.

and its snowing too.
i havent had a proper snow ball fight though.
gutted about that!
must do it soon!
before all the snows melt away.

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